Hatha Yoga Fire
Cultivating transformation, self-empowerment, and activating your dormant spiritual potential
FIRE, the culmination of our tantric hatha yoga practice. It’s here where were merge the HA (solar) and THA (lunar) forces together to create HATHA - the fire at the navel centre, which melts our lower mind limitations, eliminates old destructive habits and patterns, and purifies past karma to create the space to call fourth our dormant spiritual potential - Kundalini.
During these classes we will focus on creating fire in the navel and energy in the spine through the use of asana, pranayama, bandha, mudra and meditation.
This class is for you if:
- You’re already established in sun and moon and want to take your practice to the next level.
- You’re ready for a deep transformation.
- You’re ready to own your power and live and empowered life.
- You’re ready to embrace your true potential.