How do your daily habits really shape your future?

A conversation about Karma, your daily actions,
and how you can change your destiny.

You are what your deepest desire is.
As is your desire, so is your intention.
As is your intention, so is your will.
As is your will, so is your deed.
As is your deed, so is your destiny.

- Upanidshads

This quote from the Upanishads means that what you deeply desire shapes your life. Your strongest desires influence your intentions, which then guide your motivation and will. This will drives your daily actions, and those actions gradually lead you toward your desires. Ultimately, your daily actions, fueled by your deepest desires, determine the direction of your life and shape your destiny. Essentially, your innermost desires set the path for your destiny by influencing every step along the way.

Below is a conversation about Karma Chakra (wheel of Karma), and how every action we take shapes our destiny.

After listening to the audio. Download the self-reflection questions and 40 Day Sadhana Checklist linked below:

Circle or highlight any key words that are jumping out at your or where you can notice a theme or a pattern.

Self-reflection on these words or theme and come up with a sentence or word to use as your affirmation for your practice.

Eg: “I will give up caffeiene for 40 days”
“I will wake up earlier for 40 days”
“I will read a book instead of checking my phone every night”
”I will meditate everyday”

Something that relates to you, and not only letting go of the bad habit that you notice.

Below is your 40 Day Practice to go alongside your affirmation. This is a practice where we are working directly with the lower chakras. The lower chakras is where we hold the bulk of our Karma. It’s here our lower mind resides. This is a practice to activate the Maniupura chakra - the seat of our power. When we activate this centre we are activating our will-power, discipline, courage, and power.
The activation of the Manipura chakra also purifies lower the chakras and creates space for prana to rise up to higher chakras.

Remember your destiny is in your hands.
Make the conscious effort that you want to continually evolve.

Leonard Jacobson —

“When you are present, you are transcendent of the mind and ego and so you can witness your mind and ego. You can be conscious of your thoughts without being lost in them when they arise.”